
Getting healthier...or at least trying to

Been feeling very rundown the last week or so owing quite a bit to the congestion I seem to be fighting in my sinus.  Over the weekend I tried to sleep as much as possible but I ate like crap and felt the worse for it.

This morning I had my follow-up with my sleep doctor regarding my sleep study from back in August. Turns out part of my problem is that my pressure is lower than I need it to be which could be the reason I have so little and short deep sleep cycles through the night - at least according to Azumio's Sleep Time app.  (My doc's verdict on the app? Nice. Not great. May be of use. Which I believe is to be expected from a sleep professional.)

Anywho, my doc is all the way out in Manayunk which is not that far but in terms of getting there from here (Center City) I either had to take a train (stops are at either side of Manayunk and the doctor's office is in the middle) or a bus (slow-slow-slow.)  I decided to bike out instead.

There was a nice headwind on the ride out.  I got there right on time, scarfed a quick bagel I had picked up downtown and went in for the appointment.  O2 level was great, natch.  Blood pressure was high, but I hadn't taken my meds and was only off the bike 10 minutes at that point.

Got my results from the study. Doc is going to find out if I'm eligible for a new machine.  If so, I'll tweak the old one and use that for travel.

The ride back was uneventful albeit beautiful.

Anyway, been a good couple of days.  When I weighed myself earlier in the week I was at an all time high.  Most of that was likely due to fluid retention from not sleeping well plus fighting a cold.  In a few days I've shed about 10# which is almost definitely all water weight.  But I like the feeling of momentum and having gone mostly vegan this week, coupled with walking in to the office and cutting back on smoking - I have to admit to feeling pretty good.

Can't wait to see the effects of the increase in BiPAP pressure.


  1. Sounds like some excellent developments.

    Stop smoking!

    1. I really should. I could save money!

    2. Fewer cigarettes == more money for airfare.

      Or at least money for the airfare you're already buying...

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